Report from meetings in the peer panel in Trondheim Municipality

KBT and Trondheim Municipality are working together on the project «Samhandling om brukerdreven innovasjon og tjenesteutvikling» [Interaction/collaboration on user driven innovation and service development]. The goal is to develop and describe new ways for services to improve and work recovery-oriented. Another goal is to have a bigger focus on what helps and what feels helpful from a service user perspective. KBT is responsible for running the project, and KBT has put together and run a peer panel that has evaluated the Municipal services. The peer panel has been an arena for dialogue about service development and for different perspectives to meet.

From January to July 2017 8 service users have taken part in the peer panel. The service users had different backgrounds and different experiences with services. Representatives from KBT have taken part in the meetings. Representatives from the Municipality have also taken part in some meetings to inform about and discuss specific services. There has been a total of ten meetings.



Frode Myhre and Karl Johan Johansen


Rapport fra møter i brukerpanel i Trondheim kommune, våren 2017