
Our vision is: Better services through equal dialogue between service users and professionals We bring forward service user voices   Competence center for lived experience and service development (KBT) is a competency center working to promote the user perspective in service development. It is our opinion that their experience-based knowledge is as important as traditional, professional knowledge…

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Resource Personnel

My Voice Matters’ Project Group Image: The project group: Liva Elvira Myrvold Nynes, Christina Kildal, Ellinor Elvrum Evensen and Johanne Bakken Moe. The project My Voice Matters has five volunteering adolescents who all have a background with receiving mental health services; Johanne Bakken Moe, Liva Elvira Myrvold Nynes, Ellinor Elvrum Evensen and Christina Kildal. In addition…

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The regional peer-driven centers

KBT is a part of six regional peer-driven centers in Norway, who is currently working to become recovery HUB. The regional center function of the centers have govermental support. These centers serve as resource-bases for user competency and training in the mental health sector. They were formed as part of “Opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse” [A…

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Coverage of KBT’s work in the media in Norwegian Retten til å bestemme over eget liv,, 8.6.2017 Rettighetsinngripende tiltak i kommunale botilbud – en nasjonal kartlegging,, 8.6.2017 – Psykologer, tenk recovery!,, 27.1.2017 Psykolog i kommunen – en medspiller,, 18.1.2017 Helseministeren mottok NAPHAs nye hefte om psykologer i kommunene,, 17.11.2016 Opplever å…

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From project to national organization KBT formed in 2006 as part of a national plan for psychiatry, in which the goal was to promote user involvement and peer support. The center was formed by three organizations: Mental Health Norway, LPP, and Voksne for barn. Our goal was to ensure that user experiences were properly integrated into…

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