My Voice Matters – Evaluation of Children’s and Young People’s Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic, Levanger Hospital

In 2017, KBT recieved funding from Extrastiftelsen through Rådet for psykisk helseto continue the project My voice matters as a three-year development project, where we are going to customize the User Interviews User (UIU)method for children and youth and their health services. In 2017, we evaluated the out-patient offer for service users between the ages of 12 and 18 and their relatives at Children’s and Young People’s Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic of Levanger Hospital. A group of project team members in the ages of 18 and 23 who themselves have experience with the use of mental healthcare services are trained in the UIU-method. They participate in designing the interview guide, conducting interviews, analysis, writing report and presenting the results in the dialogue conference with the service and participants of the projects.

In the evaluation we have asked the young people and their relativess about their experiences with the offer and what was important for them when meeting the service. Prominent themes were relation, the role of the therapist, influence and participation, cooperation with school and with relatives, and transitions between in-patient and out-patient treatment. A dialogue conference was held together with employees from BUP on 12th of December 2017, where the findings were presented and discussed. The goal was to ensure that users of BUP and their relatives were enabled to share their experiences with their own voice, so that we could bring them forward to system level to make sure that the service continiously evolve according to the views of children and youth. It was very good feedback on the results from both emlployees of BUP and the participants.



Christina Kildal
Juni Raak Høiseth
Pernille Letrud
Ida Therese Håverstein
Dagfinn Bjørgen
Anne R. Benschop


Anne R. Benschop


Report in Norwegian:

Min Stemme Teller – Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering av barne- og ungdomspsykiatriske klinikk, Sykehuset Levanger